CLOTH’s Housing Development Department is dedicated to preserving and developing the housing stock of the Washington Heights neighborhood for low-income families.
It is the goal of CLOTH’s Housing Development Department to improve the quality of life for all residents of Washington Heights by leveraging the unique culture of the neighborhood. CLOTH’s housing and support programs remove the barriers between residents and the social services needed for low-income families.
Without CLOTH’s development and preservation projects, many tenants would face overcrowded living conditions.

The Inwood Library is a joint venture between CLOTH, private developers, and Children’s Village. The library includes 174 units of affordable housing, UPK classrooms, a STEM Center and a social service and community space.The new structure will provide additional opportunities for CLOTH in partnership with Children’s Village to expand social services that are desperately needed by the surrounding community.
In 2021, CLOTH closed two major affordable housing projects - Scattered Sites HDFC and Amsterdam TPT. Scattered Sites is a Year 15 rehabilitation project. CLOTH will preserve 56 units of affordable housing when Scattered Sites is completed. Amsterdam TPT is a four-building gut rehabilitation and will contain 58 units of affordable housing.

Inwood Library

CLOTH's portfolio:
All properties serve families and vulnerable populations earning at or below 60% Area Median Income.


Started in the 1950s by completing weatherization projects on housing in Washington Heights/Inwood community.
Constructed 2 supportive housing developments serving: persons who may have serious mental illness, substance abusers, young adults aging out of foster care, and/or homeless or persons at risk of becoming homeless.
Proud recipient of 2015 Nonprofit of the Year by the New York Housing Conference.

Only organization in the area to have solar thermal panels installed on 6 buildings.
First in the Inwood area to install green roof at 552 Academy St.
For Affordable Housing inquiries, please call the CLOTH office at 212-795-4779.
We speak English and Spanish – Se habla Español.